Master was sitting at His computer desk, i can't remember what exactly we were doing but somehow the fact that He had to pee entered into the conversation. It went somewhere along the lines that He had to use the restroom and i stood up. Then, very casually Master said, "Or I can just pee on you". i thought Master was joking, even as a shiver went down my spine. "Yes Sir" came out of my mouth enclosed in a giggle. It was only when He looked at me with the smile i have come to know so well that i realized that He meant it. Still i froze for a moment with a smile still on my face, unsure of what was going to happen. Master gave me a gentle push in the direction of the bathroom. "Go on then, go kneel in the shower" (or something to that effect) i walked into the bathroom, stood and turned around to face Him. "Hurry up and get undressed and get into the shower". He was smiling but i knew that tone of voice....i had better hurry up. i stripped as fast (yet gracefully) as i could manage and went in to kneel into the shower. This took adjustment on my part, since i am somewhat used to kneeling with my ass on my heels, however, as Master and i discussed, i was to try and swallow at much of His pee as possible, without making a mess. So i got as close to His c*ck as possible, got into position 4 and opened my mouth. i couldn't suppress the shiver that ran through my body and even as His pee hit my mouth, it had not yet "hit" that this was happening. All i could do at the beginning was concentrate on keeping my mouth open but then this feeling came over me....i always try my hardest to please Master but this was like an added determination. So i attempted to breath through my nose and swallow at the same time. i was hoping for the effect that i would be able to swallow as much as possible. However, it didn't really work that way. lol i ended up choking just a bit and in the 3 or 4 seconds it took to compose myself and get ready for more, it started to really hit me that i was attempting to swallow all of Master's pee. All that was going through my head was a frantic attempt to please Him as much as possible. During this time, Master was controlling the flow. i haven't had that much experience and i was very grateful that He was going slow with me. Time and time again, i would try to swallow with my mouth still open. Not impossible but it was hard to get used to. When Master was done, i stayed kneeling for a moment while everything else sunk in. After a few seconds Master told me i was a good girl (i love it when Master calls me that!!) and told me to get out of the shower, so He could start it for me. A very kind gesture and i thanked Him for it. i remember the look on His face...i could see that He was very proud of me, i had pleased Him and He was happy. i laughed when Master said something along the lines that what happened was going to be a lot to absorb. All i could do was giggle and agree. All i could say was "that was intense". Master looked at me, gently smiled and said "Indeed it was cutie" and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. He opened the door to the shower and i gratefully climbed into the wonderful hot water. As i walked in and had a few quiet moments, the full effect of me swallowing about 80% of His pee hit. i was In that quiet space in my head where the only thing that i really feel is happy, submissive and owned. i was all but glowing when i came out of the shower and although i was a little quieter than usual, i was able to function rather well. There have been times when Master will use me and push me to the point where i am useless for anything but small chores and getting my hair stroked. This wasn't one of those times but i was still pretty far into that particular type of subspace. Absolutely wonderful! It is Master's intent to train me to the point where i will no longer need to go in the shower (unless He feels like peeing on me) and i am confident that i will get there. i would love for Master to be able to use me in that fashion whenever the urge hits Him without thinking about having to take a shower afterwards, so i am determined, in my own fashion, to do this for Him.
Monday, April 14, 2008
My continued training - golden showers
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