Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Caught in the Headlights
Posted by chai 1 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Bats, Rabbits and King Leer
Well here i am, back at home once again from a visit at Sir's house. Ohhhh goodness...this visit was very intense in some ways. This weekend He pushed me a bit further....a bit harder. There was a break through with golden showers and for the first time, i truly tried to talk my way out of doing something that my Master requested of me. Yes, i would have done it once i wrapped my head around what He told me to do, but that was my initial reaction. Don't worry, everything will be explained in time. ::grin:: Dinner with M (now known as King "Leer"-lol) and k went wonderful and i got my first real life taste of voyeurism. Eeek!! lol Actually it was pretty cool...although i did blush a little. This visit was very fun and although my Master decided to push me kind of hard (in my opinion lol), in the end i was smiling and pleased with myself from pleasing Him. Ohh and it is official....the tickets are bought, plans are made and i will be bringing my birthday present (rabbit, with a purple ribbon around her neck) to Sir the next time i go to Him!! So overall this weekend was wonderful, as are all of my visits to my Master. Sometimes it is pretty amazing what can happen in just a couple of days......did i mention that Sir and i saw the bat-mobile??
Posted by chai 0 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Something New
Recently i have introduced everybody to my new friend "rabbit". i don't want to be overly optomistic but i thought it would be fun to write little updates of her progression with her submission. So look forward to *rabbit updates* from here on out.
Posted by chai 0 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Bye Bye Bye
This is going to be my last entry for a few days for the time has come around yet again for me to go to my Master! Yay!! lol i am always excited to go and see Him and with this visit i, again, have no idea what exactly is going to happen. i do know that M and k are coming over for dinner and then the next day Sir is taking me to get my hair cut. All the stuff in between, i don't have much of a clue. lol That always makes me a little nervous.....excited and curious as well. Sir has spoken of using the chamber pot, the tenns unit, He told me to bring my butt plug and of course there is that fantasy He had me write. Sooo...what He is thinking of doing, i am not really sure of. The one thing i am sure of is exploring more into golden showers....hopefully to where i can swallow some of His pee before the visit is over. i am pretty nervous about doing that but i am also so very happy and excited to try for Him. Hmmm, i am sure that lots will happen, so i am sure that i will be writing when i return. Bye until then!
Posted by chai 0 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
There is something new in the wind at the moment....she is a friend of mine whom Sir has nicknamed rabbit. Well rabbit and i have been friends for just a short while but she and i just "clicked". After a couple of weeks of getting to know one another and her many questions about my collar, (she at first thought it was a choker) i decided to tell her about the lifestyle i share with Sir, our dynamic and BDSM in general. she wasn't turned off about BDSM, just the opposite really. she was very curious about everything contained therein and asked me endless questions. lol In many ways, rabbit reminds both Sir and i of me 10 months ago....very curious and shy but eager to explore her submission. So it has been decided among the three of us that she will come with me to visit Sir sometime in the future. Omg!! lol i am really very excited and so is she. There are a few reasons as to why she is coming....for starters she is my birthday present to Sir. (so better than a tie- lol) and for those of you wondering, she is fully aware of this fact and is not only excited to be His present but she also finds it to be a very erotic thought to be "given away". There are many things that Sir wishes to explore with her when she visits...bondage, forced orgasm, crawl training my continuing journey into my bi-sexual side (that opens many doors to her visit) and of course the many ways my submission will be used and rabbit's starting journey into her own submission. Really very exciting stuff. On the topic of rabbit discovering her own submission, it is my Master's intent that she be able to explore her submission through domestic service, ritual and protocol as well as some sexual service. i think the best part is that she knows that she gets to freely explore all of things in a safe environment....where she can relax and know that nothing will happen that she doesn't agree to. rabbit also has quite a few erotic fantasies that Sir is planning on exploring as well as a few of His own. (ohhh boy- blushing will occur i am sure lol) Some of the things He has planned so far gives me a strong dose of nervous anticipation as well as arousal. i haven't really touched, played or fu*ked another female in years! (literally) So all of this does make me a bit nervous....funny, that is one thing rabbit is not really nervous about at all. lol i think that all of this is wonderful....i truly like rabbit and have become fast friends with her and i think that this upcoming visit will be made so much better because of that fact. More to come soon i promise.
Posted by chai 0 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sir is having me write this entry about what type of scene i would like to do this weekend.....this is a little hard because i am really shy about admitting my desires or fantasies. When it comes to what type of scene i would like to experience....well that's a tough one. lol i think a scene with a lot of bondage would be fun....to explore more objectification and eventual use to include erotic pain mixed with a high dose of pleasure. Maybe slow erotic torture. i have learned that i do not have a lot of patience when it comes to masturbating although i have gotten better. To delve deeper into the image that comes across is this.i am completely naked except for the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. He has me tied up with my head down and my ass up. my legs are tied so that they are spread wide open.....i cannot move them, even to adjust slightly. my wrists are bound together behind my back with the rope heading up to the ceiling....pulling on my wrists so that my arms are pulled straight behind my back. my Master is kind enough to provide a pillow for my head, to keep my neck from hurting. i am open, in every way, nothing hidden...formed almost like a piece of art....something for Him to just enjoy looking at if that is what pleases Him to do. After i am settled into position, He walks away without saying a word. The next thing i hear is Him doing something in the kitchen and then walking back to the room i am in and then gives me a light spanking. When He is finished, He tells me that i am good girl and then proceeds to sit down on His computer, seeming to ignore me completely. From time to time He comes and plays with me, uses me, praises me and then leaves me again. Sometimes He even just stays in the same room to read or perhaps talk on the phone. Sometimes He does is so slow and erotic....never hard or fast enough for what my body seems to be craving and sometimes it is erotic pain, pushing my boundaries and my submission. i think my mind even wants to sneak in the image of my Master using my body to please Himself.. ::major blushing:: ...i know that my body is for His use, but i think for this scene every aspect of His actions instills that feeling of being His play thing, an object of His passing interest, more and more deeply. i will admit that the entire scene in my head is around objectification. Since He brought the term to light (in a way i had not thought of), i am curious to explore what could be done with it. i know that i have not incorporated emotions into this....but i am not really sure to how i would react to all of that happening. To think of this actually happening does make me nervous....excited but pretty nervous all the same. i know that my submission would be used and that it is an erotic thought for me to not only be used as my Master's personal toy, but to be treated like His toy as well. At least for that scene......to be honest i do not think i would enjoy being treated like that all the time but i think it would be great to expand a little more on the concept and such. i think that being seemingly ignored (i know that He would be checking in on me to make sure i was okay often) could push me emotionally after a period of time....i know that my submission would be stretched and used....the entire time really. my boundaries with erotic pain could very well also be a factor and i am pretty sure that i would have to use my submission to ward off impatience if Sir decided to..oh say, use my cu*t with a dildo but going really slow or not inserting it all the way in. i have tried that on myself...thus how i have learned that i can have little patience with that. lol Overall i am not sure how my Master would desire to push or use me but it is a rather interesting, exciting and admittedly a bit nerve wracking too, to think about how He would change it up to fit His desires. Part of me can't believe i actually put all of this down!! lol Objectification....i never thought it would be something that would appeal to some part of me but as always, unless i am willing to open myself up to my Master and new experiences i will never find out. Although i am pretty sure that this is something that does appeal to me a great deal, i think the exploration of it would probably be trying at times but a lot of fun as well.
Posted by chai 0 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Can someone be too accepting? i am not really sure....i think it is a fine line....or maybe not even that. i know, that's confusing so let me explain. i don't think it is really a matter of how accepting a sub is but rather why. A sub will submit to their Dom/me because that is what their Dom/me desires at the time. The sub wishes only to please Them. Therefore, a sub has to accept the situation by using her submission. her desire to please her Dom/me overrides her discomfort or their mental/emotional instincts. Like the time Sir was using the rubber band.....i had to fight the instinct to move away. i had to accept not only the pain from the rubber band but the fact that that is what Sir wanted to do at the time. There have been other times when i have had to use the same process. A couple of day's ago Sir told me that i was to stop masturbating, that i was back on restriction. i readily agreed and wasn't even upset over it. i reacted that particular way because i know that Sir does things for His reasons and as Sir told me, i look at the big picture not the small things. Which is true for the most part. Although admittedly, i did miss masturbating after 2 days. lol But my mindset was that of knowing that my stopping was by His decision.......by obeying Him i was happy and i am always assured the my Master has His reasons for doing something, even if i do not know them at the time. However, i think that if a sub feels "numb" about something, like she couldn't care either way then i think that would be a problem. To me that says that she does not care what happens to her, that she is entering the "robot zone". Not a good thing i think. i have spoken with many subs, all of which say that even though they will obey their Doms/Masters, they still think and certainly feel for what they are doing. i think that thinking about it is what makes subs so nervous in the first place! lol i am sure that in some dynamics the Dom/me wants complete unthinking obedience but i do not think i would be happy that way. i accept what ever my Master wants even though it makes me nervous or uncomfortable because it makes Him happy and pleased. Which in turn makes me happy as well. But if i became indifferent about doing something, if i automatically simply said yes Sir without thought to how this action will effect me i do not see how i could be happy about pleasing Him and knowing my Master he would quickly grow bored of our dynamic. Always wanting to do what someone else wants to do i think is another fine line. i think that there are probably quite a few views on this matter, both from a BDSM and vanilla standpoint. Hmmm...lots to think on. Anyone else have any other views??
Posted by chai 0 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sir decided to do something He has not done in a while.....He decided to use me over the phone. i had walked into my room to go to bed for the night and after asking permission to undress for the night Sir told me to go and get my vibe. i was very surprised and happy to be able to please Him. i grabbed my vibe as a shiver of anticipation ran through me. After i had walked back to my bed and laid down Sir told me to turn it on. He then told me to place it on my clit.....by this time i was already becoming aroused and part of me couldn't wait to see what Sir wanted to do. Well in this instance with Sir using me (i am not going into detail...sorry lol) He had me be vocal. Since He had me starting out fu*king myself slowly, this was very easy to do. As always whenever Sir is using me i fall into that submissive mindset where all i want to do is please my Master. The best way to do that while He is using me is to be His slut in any way He desires me to be. Whenever i get into that mindset i have no problem telling Sir that i am His slut and that my body is for His use.....because i am and my body is. So i was being vocal, letting my Master know how aroused i was and how much i am His. How much of an affect He has on me and how much i was enjoying Him using me. That is a state of mind in which only Sir can take me to. i was moving my hips, moaning and just letting go of myself....allowing myself to lose control as He willed. After i asked Him if His slut may please have permission to cum for Him, i got pretty loud. Loud enough at any rate for Him to go "shhhhh" over the phone. It was a quick and sharp command and i immediately obeyed Him. i thanked Him for using me and allowing me to cum for Him after i was able to catch my breath....at least a little bit anyways. A wonderful surprise and treat from my Master.
Another time since i have been home, Sir used me again. This time though, He told me i was not to make any noise whatsoever. No moans or groans or anything. In fact the only time i was allowed to to make any verbal response was to ask His permission to cum for Him and that was it. That was different than the first time.....going from vocal to nothing was very interesting. Knowing that the only sound He wanted to hear was my breathing was erotic. i even tried to breath quietly.....but that didn't work out so well. lol After He had me insert the vibe into my cu*t Sir had me fu*k myself harder and harder as the minutes ticked by. That got a little tough, to be honest. But i still kept fu*king myself as He commanded and the pain and tiredness would fade. Since i was being very quiet, Sir did all the talking. There was one time as He was using me that He said "That's right be a slut....be My slut." i think hearing that aroused me as much as i saying that i am His slut. Again i just let myself go.....i used to have a hard time doing that but now it is much easier to do. There is nothing wrong in my obeying Him and doing as He says. i am allowed that freedom to surrender myself to Him, to feel no fear or shame or embarrassment for what i am doing is pleasing Him, which is what makes me feel happy and complete. At this time, fu*king myself hard and staying quiet is how i could please Him the most. Near the end, my cu*t was getting really really sensitive and it started to become hard to keep fu*king myself as hard as He wanted me do. But even though it was hard, the desire to please Him and the pleasure He was creating in me overrode all of that. Sir using me this time was a bit tougher than the first time although i enjoyed every minute of it. i love being used by Sir and i am very thankful when He decides to surprise me by doing so.
There is one other similar experience i have had since being home. Sir gave me a task to do. i was to meditate for my 15 minutes as i usually do but this time i was to put in my butt plug before hand. It had been a while since i had used that and i was a bit nervous about doing so. The plug was a bit hard to get in at first but soon i just enjoyed the full feeling and let my mind wander to where Sir wanted it. At this time, i was to concentrate on presenting Sir with anther girl....how it would make me feel and what thoughts came to mind. i had fun with that one. lol Lots of images. After my meditation i was to take my vibe and run it up and down my clit for 10 minutes. i had to move slowly and i could not insert in into my cu*t. i had a couple of fantasies while doing so. (Not telling....lol) i did at odd intervals remember the crop and and the stinger from our last visit. Both of which caused my arousal level to go higher.....even though i still don't really like the stinger. i don't like it yet part of me would like to experience that again. Don't you love how that works? lol After the ten minutes were up, i was instructed to fu*k myself hard for twenty minutes straight. No stopping, even if i came. This was unusual since normally when i do cum, i am allowed to stop, but not this time. As well as being given permission to cum, i was also instructed to ask Sir for His permission to cum for Him. Doesn't matter if He is there or not, i still need to ask permission. my Master did tell me that i had to gradually build up to where i was fu*king myself hard....and since i wasn't allowed to stop, this also meant that i had to continue to fu*k myself hard afterward. So when i started, i was filled with nervous anticipation. i wasn't sure what it was going to feel like to keep fu*king myself after i came and hard at that. i knew i needed to stay relaxed so that i wasn't tense (i have learned it is hard for me to cum if i am too tense) and most importantly, i needed to let go and just let myself feel everything that was happening. i slowly built up to a hard pace...thinking of Sir and His voice and past times attributed to my arousal quite heavily. When i felt my orgasm imminent, i asked Sir if His slut may please cum for Him and then the climax hit. It was hard to move the vibe....my cu*t tightened up quite a bit as well as the rest of my body. When the orgasm faded, i resumed fu*king myself and learned that my cu*t gets really sensitive afterward. It actually started to hurt a little but soon the pain faded back into pleasure once again. A few minutes later the timer went off for this task all i could do was lay back and breath for a few minutes. When i finally calmed down completely i went and had some cereal and then i went to bed. Happy that i had pleased Him and a bit tired from all the activities that He had me do. Going from nervous anticipation before, to relaxed and aroused during meditation, to really letting go and behaving like His slut, then cumming for Him and then going from it hurting a little bit and then back to pleasure was pretty cool. i felt very happy that i kept fu*king myself hard even afterward even though it got a little rough. Knowing i was pleasing Him even though it got a little hard was a wonderful feeling. All of these experiences were different in many ways. All were wonderful and each time i had to adjust myself to the situation at hand. More learning and more experiences from Sir....and more unexpected treats. With one i was vocal, the other one silent and one in which i had to use my submission to keep fu*king myself and then experiencing that blend of pleasure/pain. Being able to serve Him in any manner makes me feel complete and with all of these i try to do just that. All of this makes this slave very happy indeed.
Posted by chai 1 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Couch Series Part 2
Posted by chai 0 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
Couch Series Part 2 will be here soon.....in the meantime, i thought to discuss something. Last night Sir and i were talking on the phone about the whole scene on the couch and His seemingly nonchalant behavior. Nonchalant being Him "watching" the game on the tv while using me. The conversation (part of it) went something like this. i asked Him why He had done that and He told me that He wasn't going to give me the answer. Instead He wanted to know why i thought He had done it and how it made me feel. i told Him that even though He seemed nonchalant, somewhere in my head i knew that He wasn't being so. my Master never does anything without a reason. i knew the feeling....but i couldn't put a word to it. He asked me if it aroused me and after some giggling, i said "Yes Sir". He told me that there was no right or wrong answer....that it is just the way that i feel. Again with me getting shy when admitting i enjoy something of a sexual nature. A little bit into the conversation He asked me if it felt like something He had done in the past. To explain, one time Sir used me while on the web cam. i was letting lose, masturbating at His command, while He sat down in front of His computer and ate dinner. For some reason, although i did not understand it at the time, i found that very arousing. i said as much to Sir and He told me that was the first hint that He had that i enjoyed objectification. i was silent for a few minutes turning the idea in my head. i have never really considered that before.....almost every time in the past when i heard that phrase, i thought of someone being used as furniture or something like that. So for Him to put it in that light was something different but made a great deal of sense. So i got my answer.....my Master's seemingly nonchalant behavior on the couch was for the purpose of bringing out the emotion and mind set of objectification. Of being His property to do with as He pleased....His toy He gets to play with whenever He desires to. As much as i may blush to admit this.....that image and concept does arouse me very much. It is another thing that i have learned through Sir. It was something He knew, that i didn't....well i knew the feeling but i didn't know the word. It makes me wonder what else there is about me that my Master sees and i do not......
Posted by chai 0 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Couch Series Part 1
Posted by chai 0 comments
Saturday, October 6, 2007
On the prowl
i am going out tonight (to an alternative lifestyle club with a gay friend) with my Master's permission looking for another women to join our dynamic....someone who may have experience or is simply curious about BDSM. This is done in the spirit of me wanting to give my Master a very special birthday present. Hopefully all will go well tonight....wish me luck!
Posted by chai 0 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
Open wide
Posted by chai 2 comments
The Pleasures of Pain: Release
The crop stung....not as much as the cane but it still stung quite a bit. i lost track of how many swats i received....i kept going in and out of subspace....trying to breath through the pain yet everything that had happened made it a bit difficult to do so. One minute all the whacks would blend together and start to echo and then Sir would hit a really really sensitive spot and it would be a sharp pain. i think at that point, the crop was arousing me much more than the cane. After a few minutes of this, Sir brought out the harley and omg.....He had set aside the crop and all i could feel were the edges of pain through my body yet there was also the massive amount of pleasure from the harley on my cu*t. i had experienced something like that, that morning but nothing could have really prepared me for what my Master was going to do next. As the harley was on my cu*t, Sir started to strike the back of my thighs and my ass with the crop again...hard and fast. Almost like He was flicking it against my skin. Ohh....the crop hurt but every time He would strike me with it, i would feel it all the way in my cu*t. Feeling that for the first time threw me a bit off balance....pain and pleasure were being combined in a way i had not experienced before. i started moaning and lifting my ass higher in the air...in a way begging for more. At one point in time Sir said "that's right...let the pain and pleasure combine" Mmmm...the sound of His voice was just.....wow. lol Each stroke, even though it hurt, propelled me closer and closer to an orgasm. At that point pain was pleasure in every sense of word. i remember the orgasm hitting me so fast that i quickly asked Sir if His slut may please cum for Him and was so grateful that He gave permission. Even though Sir is getting me more and more used to putting off an orgasm, i am not sure if i would have been able to hold it back. As the rush of the orgasm ran through me, i asked Sir to please hit me harder (with the crop) and every time the crop
came down onto my tender skin, it seemed to strengthen and prolong the orgasm Sir was allowing me to have. Oh goodness....now when ever i think of the crop i get even more aroused than i have in the past. After i had calmed down and thanked Sir for using me and allowing me to cum for Him, He had me turn over on my back and put my head over the side of the bed where He decided to fu*k my throat for a time. It had been a while since Sir has done that. i loved every minute of it. When He had used me to the extent He wanted to He had me turn back around and lay on the bed. He then decided to put on some nipples clamps....and not just any clamps but the ones that tighten up if they are pulled on. i laid somewhat frozen on the bed....the clamps felt tight and i didn't want to risk making them any tighter. lol Well Sir then grabbed hold and lightly pulled on the chain between them.....i got off His bed as fast i could when He did that and oh boy, they felt much tighter when i was finally standing. lol He then briefly looked at me and then pulled the chain down....for some reason it took me a few seconds to realize that He wanted me on my knees on the floor. After i got onto my knees my nipples were burning a little bit from the clamps....although what Sir had me do next was absolutely wonderful. He looked down at me and told me to suck His cock. Then, since one of my favorite things is to serve my Master in that manner, the nipple clamps didn't seem to hurt as much. lol Again with arousal and pain inter-mixing. Although after a minute or two, Sir had me stop and He put the chain so it was laying on top of the base of His cock and then had me resume serving Him. The chain being there did two things.....one, it made me a little nervous since it was there...more or less just wondering if it would move while i was sucking His cock and two, every time i pulled my mouth back it would slightly pull on my nipples. lol That was very interesting.....the pain got to where part of me wished Sir would take them off (it is amazing how fast the brain can work...as soon as i had that thought it was gone) but in the same thought, in order for Him to do that, i would have to stop what i was doing and i did not want to stop pleasing Him. lol i was loving what i was being allowed to do....and yes for those of you wondering, i consider cock worship (my Master's of course) to be a privilege...well any kind of body worship (massage, bathing, rubbing His feet) is a privilege in my mind. So i just let the pain absorb into my body and concentrated on giving Him pleasure. When Sir had once again used me as much as He wanted to He pulled on the chain again and had me stand up. Then Sir removed the clamps one at a time.....taking the time to rub my nipple after taking it off. Omg....it hurts more coming of than going on. lol Plus with Sir rubbing my nipple i felt the pain spread all the way through my entire breast. i was split when He took off the other one....part of me was dreading how it was going to feel while at the same time, i liked the sensations of them coming off gave me. After they were off, Sir told me that i was a good girl and that i had done a great job. This entire scene was another long one....but it was wonderful in so many ways. i got to experience the flogger i hadn't tried yet, my pain tolerance was once again pushed, which cause different emotions and thoughts. i had my first pain induced orgasm (sort of...i would have to say that the pain pushed me over the edge for sure) and even asked to be cropped harder. Stepping outside my normal behavior was different but great and even Sir seemed happily surprised that i had asked for Him to go harder with the crop. Come to think of it, He teased me a couple of times about it....which made me smile and blush. Sir used the clamps, something that we hadn't done in a while and some where in the midst of serving Him, i made the choice to not ask Him to remove the clamps.....even though they hurt, my Master's pleasure out ranked my own, no doubt. my desire to please and serve Him was so much more important to me. i was very happy that i had done a good job and that i had pleased Him. Some of the things caused conflicts of the mind or body but i must say that i enjoyed every minute of it and was smiling quite a bit afterward. Overall the entire experience was wonderful and i am a lucky slave in my opinion.
Posted by chai 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The Pleasures of Pain: Onslaught
When the first swoop of the flogger hit me, i sucked in a breath with a hiss. That thing was so stingy on my ass....more so since what happened that morning. After about 30 seconds i found out how much i really wanted that to stop....so much. lol Each stroke felt like tiny bee stings on the parts of me that weren't sensitive and the places that were felt like needles were being run across them. Omg...i think that if i hadn't been so sensitive it might have felt different. After only a couple of minutes Sir stopped and pulled me to Him. He then asked how it felt and i replied that it was very stingy. He then asked me which i preferred....the flogger or the cane. i immediately said cane....the next thing i knew, Sir was once again gently pushing me against the wall and told me to take position. When i realized what He was going to do, i felt a wave of relief. There was no way the cane could be worse than the flogger at the time. Well......after the first 2 strokes i was wishing for the flogger again. lol The strikes echoed throughout my entire body, and with the third cane stroke i was flush against the wall. But Sir pushed me hard and fast...instead of giving me time to re-center my self i received an additional 2 strikes...while against the wall. Oh goodness that was different. The two stroke were sooo fast and hard and i had a small urge to yell...but it still felt so good. Go figure. lol But at the same time....i felt that emotional bridge falling down again. As i stood there hopping from foot to foot, praying that my Master was done, Sir gave me specific instructions. His tone of voice was soft and very stern which brought out in me instant obedience. He told me "I am going to give you three more and you are to count each one....present yourself and don't you dare move at all" As i am sure some of you know, it is amazing in how One can sound so stern and bring you into a state of unthinking obedience yet some place inside you turns into a big pile of aroused goo. So needless to say, my arousal level went up a bit. When i heard Him speak those words, i slowly put my hands on the wall and braced myself...not physically, but mentally. i knew about how much it was going to hurt so this way i could try to find a way to work through the pain. As stroke one fell, the words "one Sir" came out quickly and with each stroke my response was slower and slower. After number three had been given, i took a deep breath and right at that moment, Sir gave me a forth! "Ooowww... 4 Sir." Broken words....i was again being brought to the edge of my tolerance for pain. After that, Sir and i cuddled for a quick moment and then i found myself on all fours on His bed again. i am not sure if i heard it first or felt it first....but Sir had brought out the crop and struck one of the most tender spots i had (or at least it felt like it) hard and quick. my hands automatically grabbed His comforter as i made a squeak of pain.
Posted by chai 0 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Pleasures of Pain
As our day came to an end, Sir and i went out to dinner. Afterwards Sir had the idea of going out for ice cream and i asked if i may bake Him some cookies instead....i love cooking or baking for Sir and was very happy when He gave me permission to do so. When we got into the house i started to make Him His cookies while He did other things around the house. When the cookies were done i asked Sir if i may please use the restroom....He gave permission and since i had to remove all of my clothing before i may use the bathroom and i was in Sir's house, i asked Sir if i may just stay naked for Him. It was getting a bit late and we went to go take a shower. The next thing i knew Sir told me to go and kneel in the shower which means only one thing....that Sir wanted to pee on me or to put it a more eloquent way, He wanted to travel further with our exploration of golden showers. The term golden showers is a term i am comfortable with.....although saying that He desires to pee on me or in my mouth is accurate, hearing it in such a blunt manner makes me feel funny. Kind of the same way saying cu*t for the first time did. Back to what happened. i knelt in the shower, wondering if this time Sir would have me open my mouth.....i am always a little nervous...not knowing exactly what Sir would ask me to do. As He approached the shower i couldn't stop the slight tremor running through my body as He pulled His cock out. He complained that peeing is difficult to do if He is getting hard, but i must admit that there was that hint of eroticism that left me feeling aroused in the middle of the submissive mindset that occurs every time as well. As He started to pee i took in a deep breath, closed my eyes and let myself relax. i open my mouth just a tiny bit....just enough for a little bit to get through but that was it. After Sir had finished, He helped me get the shower on, nice and warm and then He undressed and got in as well. One of the reasons i love being in the shower with Sir is because i have a very good chance of being able to bathe Him. There is something about being able to run my soapy hands down His body with care that fills a different aspect of my servitude to Him that i adore. i love being allowed to pay such rapt attention to His body....checking every curve and spot to make sure it has been properly washed makes my slave self go all fuzzy and warm inside. After showering, He and i both dried off and i was allowed to get ready for the night. (i.e. brush my teeth, brush my hair ect.) After Sir left the bathroom i finished up and then walked out to the hallway. i turned off the light to the bathroom and gently went to my knees to crawl into His bedroom. Every time as i am crawling to his bedroom, i sink into a wonderful state of submissiveness. By the time i actually get into His room and by His bed to go into pos. 6 it feels like heaven to be kneeling by His feet. Normally Sir does not keep me there for long, but this time He allowed me to stay there for a couple of minutes. When He told me stand up, i figured that He was going to tell me to get into bed, but my Master had other plans this night. He gently pushed me towards the wall and quietly told me to position myself. His voice, albeit quiet and kind, sent shivers through my body....commanding, one that was not giving options yet with a hint of seduction in it. (at least i think so lol) As i have said before, there are different tones to Sir's voice and that i react to them very much. Before i was against the wall though, i was able to take a glimpse of what was in His hand.....it was the flogger He had never used before, the one He said would sting quite a bit. my ass was pretty sore from what happened that morning but i honestly felt as though it wouldn't be too bad. After the first couple of strokes i discovered how wrong i was....
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