When He opens the door and we meet for the first time i am shaking so badly i can barely hold the clothes i just collected from the the dry-cleaners. For a split second i freeze. i can barely look Him in the eyes, and all i can hear is my heart pounding. Just a split second that feels like an eternity. Then He smiles and says hey and we fall into a hug- where He laughs because i am shaking so badly and all i can do is giggle. i did manage to say hi before i start giggling and that has to count for something right? lol He helps me bring my stuff into the hotel and He and i and my friend go to get something to eat. When Sir and i return to the hotel the moment before He opens the door i let out a nervous giggle. We had often talked about the time when we would return to the hotel and the anticipation that it may bring. Yes, i was very nervous and excited. The first thing Sir has me do is strip and display. What follows after that i could write forever on so i will break it down. We open "The Box" , Sir tries the coffee sticks (holding a stick against my breast, pulling it back and snapping it down) and they feel pretty good. We pull out the nipple clamps, (when Sir put them on me, i was pretty nervous about moving and taking them off hurt a little-but i still want to try them again. The Harley!! (it's a Hatachi massage/vibrator) The thing i
hate to love lol. When Sir used that on me, oh. my. god. i couldn't think, if Sir had asked me what 2 plus 2 was i am pretty sure all He would have gotten was ahhhhhhh. lol That thing is a monster... it hits so many spots at the same time all i could do was feel. Ok, enough of that i suppose. lol Sir also used the flogger but only for a very brief amount of time because it echoed in the room really badly. He says on our next visit He will use it much more, but i liked what i felt and am anxious to try it again. Now comes the really intense part. Sir tied me to a chair, (arms, legs and torso). my panic button was being pushed, bad. my heart was pounding and i was trying so hard to calm down. Sir kept talking to me while He tied me up, He became my grounding, my focus, and He was the strength i needed so badly. my submission is what kept me still so He could do what He desired, but Sir is the reason why i was able to let go of my control and give it to Him. When i let my submission wash over me, and surrendered myself to Him, He helped me fly. i liked pulling on the rope, i loved the feel of the rope on my skin, everything was erotic, and all i wanted to do was submit and surrender more and more. i once wrote to Sir, "and every time You bind me, You also set me free". How true that statement really is.

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