The trust i have in Sir is unconditional and i love that feeling. But i must admit i had wave of nervousness when Sir put the hood on in front of Mistress K and Sir M. Well, nervousness and anticipation. There is a certain type of thrill that comes from not being able to see what is about to happen, or in this case, also not knowing about who it doing it. i remember feeling a hand brush against me and then someone behind me. i felt a hand, small, smooth and nails and i knew it was Mistress K. Although She had been very kind about the crop, i also remembered the nipple clamps and vibe, so i knew not to underestimate Her. The next thing i knew i felt pin-pricks run up and down my body, quickly and lightly. i jumped, more so since i did not have the mental advantage of knowing where it was coming from. i had no idea what was being used and did not find out until later.
When all was said and done i will admit i was drained from the entire night. Sir told me to go and kneel at Mistress K's feet... this was the first time i have ever sat at anyone else's feet than Sir's. Sitting at Sir's feet is somewhere i want to be and it feels right sitting at His feet. So sitting at Mistress K's feet wasn't bad... just different. As i sat there kneeling, She began to run Her fingers through my hair which i will admit i found comforting. my brain was so tired that Her gentle touch was soothing and calming. Sir tells me that i leaned into Her a few times which i found a little surprising because i did not even realize that i was doing so. While She was doing this i cannot remember anyone talking to me, i was, in a way, in my own little world. Plus i was finding that i really was becoming tired rather quickly. i will also admit that i do not remember anything that was said between the three of Them, i just remember something about Mistress K and Sir M needing to leave. So They and Sir went to go get the coats and i followed. At first i assumed the position i had started out in the beginning of the evening, but Sir told me it was ok to give Them hugs goodbye. i will admit that i hugged Them both.... i am from the South and it is an ingrained habit to hug everyone when saying goodbye. lol i couldn't help it... to me a hug is a gesture of friendship and i found myself liking Mistress K and Sir M already. They were not what i expected but way better. They were very open and honest and as i have said before also kind. It was wonderful to listen about Their experiences and opinions. They both also have a great sense of humor which i totally loved... i love to laugh and make jokes myself so i can appreciate a sense of humor. Hopefully i will get to meet Mistress K and Sir M again the next time i go to Sir. The whole experience was overwhelming yes. But it was also a learning experience as well as fun, filled with laughter and nervousness, intense and yet also calming. Overall.. definitely cool. What will happen next i have no idea, but i am looking forward to it.
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